New solutions for Augmented Reality displays

Augmented Reality (AR) head-mounted displays offer enormous potential as a way of enhancing productivity and capabilities in medical and advanced manufacturing industries, for example – as a prelude to mass consumer adoption in the medium to long term.

The technical challenges are significant, not least being able to give users acceptable image contrast across a wide range of lighting conditions, from dark indoor scenes through to bright daylight conditions. The latter has not yet been successfully addressed by technology.

Using our breakthrough optical filter technology, Optomel is developing a contrast enhancement filter to improve AR performance in a variety of conditions.

  • Avoids tinting and complex local dimming
  • Precise, narrow filters tuned to display characteristics
  • Simple application



A schematic of how the filter works is shown below:



Other applications in the AR display stack include a simple, yet precise, reflective screen tuned to the display projection system wavelengths.


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